
A great ending!

Yes, it's been a hot hot minute since I posted anything. I've been keeping busy, that's for sure. In the past few weeks, I went to Philly (and was sick as hell the entire trip...boo stomach flu), moved out of my place into Lindsay's (officially), been vaccinated against damn near everything, worked, celebrated Thanksgiving with friends and family, and tried to keep up with school. Sometimes I feel like its A LOT and other times I think I could handle more. I dunno.

My focus at this point is finishing out the semester and getting all A's! I finished one class about two weeks ago and totally got an A. I'm doing REALLY well in my Anthropology class and I can honestly say that I thoroughly enjoy it. My only complaint is the MASSIVE amount of work that I have to do. It's really good practice for writing, but DANG! Sometimes I just don't wanna write anymore. Anyhow, I'm totally going to get an A in that class too, no questions asked. My only other class I have is Sociology. It's been kind of nice taking Anthro and Soc. in the same semester; they contain a lot of the same information. My instructor in my Sociology class is a weirdo though. He grades things weird, he assigns random things, and he is UBER religious so I get a strange feeling from him. Whatever. My guess is that I will be just a few points away from an A, so a B is prolly coming my way. Meh.

I recently got accepted to IUPUI! WOOT! I'm excited about it and am most excited to be DONE with Ivy Tech. I've been at the Tech for waaaaaaaaaaaaay too long. By the time I complete my degree this summer, I will have almost 90 credits. Geez. I can only transfer a max of 60 of those to IUPUI though, so this week I am going to speak to an advisor and see what else I can get to transfer, how long my intended program will take, etc. Speaking of program, I'm applying to SPEA. I finally figured out that I don't think health care is REALLY where I WANT to be. It's great to help people and make a difference, don't get me wrong. What I have decided to do is get a degree in non-profit management with a focus on environmental science. I'm so interested in saving the Earth and making it a better place for everyone, and I'm not a greedy asshole...so this works out for me.

Wish me luck!

1 comment:

  1. You are doing so good babe! Keep up the hard work and you'll finish strong!
