
October is coming out month!

If you didn't know already, October is coming out month. According to Wikipedia, October was chosen by Missouri high-school history teacher Rodney Wilson as the month for the celebration. Why? National Coming Out Day was well established as its own event on October 11, and October commemorated the 1979 LGBT march on Washington.

I know first hand, that every single person who comes out has a story to tell. I would share my entire story with you, but it's a pretty personal thing that I don't want posted on the internet. Basically, I wasn't accepted by my mother (whom I lived with), she didn't speak to me and ignored my existance for over 2 weeks, called me terrible names, and destroyed my bedroom in anger. I felt completely isolated from reality. It was one of the most horrific times of my life.

My dad, who lived 50 miles away, wasn't nearly as abrasive (to put it nicely) about my recent announcement. All he had to say was "at least she isn't pregnant."

Coming out is a very crucial time in every person's life, and not just with sexual orientation. Clearly this applies to every aspect of humanity. A person can come out as many things in their life. I will always have an open ear and heart to anyone facing any kind of struggle. It's unfortunate that some folks feel they can't speak with their loved ones about issues in life for fear of being judged, humiliated, or even worse...shunned.

If I had it to do all over again, I'd do it in a heartbeat. My sexuality does not define me or who I am. It's part of who I am. Just like my blue eyes and smart ass attitude. I can't change the fact that I am lesbian, just like I can't change my skin color.

Luckily, all is well now, and has been for many years. My mom ADORES Lindsay (and myself of course) and even though she claims she can't "accept" my sexuality for "religious reasons" I know it's all a bunch of B.S. I wonder if I should tell her that in ancient Greek times, homosexuality was the the most common display of male hierarchy??? Nah...I'll just let her read it for herself. :) :) :) (Mom, click on "ancient Greek times...you will learn a thing or two!!)

Anyhow, happy coming out month!

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