
Chicago: Girlyman concert review

Please know this one thing: I FUCKING LOVE Girlyman with a burning passion. I have been listening to G-man since their debut album "Remember Who I Am" release in 2004. That was the original reason that we took our little trip to the windy city, to attend the concert at The Old Towne School of Folk Music. I have been to six G-man shows, thus far. I have met all three members several times, chatted their faces off, posed for pics with them, and even went to the extent of having Ty sign my wallet as I stole her guitar pic. My love, on the other hand...had never seen them in concert, nor has she really listened to them much. One night I did play her all of my favorites, but Lindsay does not compute music well. She generally does not know song names, artists, albums, etc. She does, however, have great taste in music and I'm helping her expand her musical horizons.

I had the highest hopes of G-man putting on the best show I have ever seen, since this would be Lindsay's first big experience with the Girlybabes. All of their previous live performances have been nothing less than mind-boggling. SERIOUSLY. They connect so well with their audience. It seems as if each and every member of the audience is captured by their harmonies and upbeat tunes. In between each song is usually some little snippet of touring or at-home life in Atlanta. There truly is so much energy in the room when these guys perform. I've never experienced anything like it.

Not this time, folks. Don't get me wrong...they still put on a good show. It's just..they all seemed to be in a lower-keyed mood than usual. There wasn't the get-up-and-shake-your-ass-off feeling OR the feeling of complete fucking euphoria. It was a REALLY mellow show, they played a lot of their more "down" tunes. I guess I'm just not used to that. They still sounded good. Actually, they SOUNDED better than they ever have before. Maybe that is due to the new sound system they recently purchased, maybe they are evolving and growing musically. Either way, I still LOVE them to death. It just wasn't the best show to introduce a newcomer with.

In celebration of our last (and only) night in Chicago, here we are post-concert being in love. This even called for ice cream after the big night!!!

Note: they do call it the "Windy City" for a reason. HAIR!

1 comment:

  1. It was still good. But very mellow.

    And I love being in love in Chicago!
